The year 2006, wasn’t an extraordinary year for our brains. In July, Twitter propelled to the world, and in September, Facebook included the News Feed. In any case, nor was especially well known yet and on the off chance that you take a gander at the main 10 most prominent sites that year The main…
Believing a fundamental change is necessary when it comes to education for digital age, an age of “Updates”; we are at a point where “Updates” are no longer enough as our reality is getting digitized. Instead, what is needed is a whole new approach to education. A sense of “dissatisfaction” with the current state of…
A great email newsletter can be like an ATM to a company. A bad email newsletter can cause sleepless nights for a CMO and angry meetings for a CEO. Chances are, your newsletter falls into the second category. Sprucing your email newsletter up to not just get more subscribers but to get more quality subscribers…
Stories are core to various activities, tools and methods applied in UX. “Stories are how we remember. We tend to forget bullet points” Bullet points make as little of a good story as multiple isolated touch-points don’t make a good overall experience of a product or service. In an ideal case, great products and services…
Nomophobia is a proposed name for the phobia of being out of cellular phone contact. The anxiety and distress caused, when you are out of contact of your mobile phone or if the battery in the phone is running out, would be the perfect defination of this phobia. These Omnipotent devices are not just the…
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